Kue Kenari

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Kue Kenari

Bahan :
• 200 gram margarine
• 100 garm gula halus, ayak
• 25 gram susu bubuk
• ¼ sdt garain halus
• ¼ sdt vanilla bubuk
• 1 kuning telur
• 100 gram kenari kupas, panggang hingga kering, haluskan
• 250 gram tepung terigu serba guna
• 50 gram tepung maezena

Hiasan :
• 150 gram coklat masak, potong kasar, tim hingga leleh

Cara Membuat :
1. Olesi Loyang kue kering dengan margarine, alasi kertas roti dan olesi margarine lagi, sisihkan. Panaskan oven selama 10 – 15 menit besuhu 180 derajat celcius memakai api bagian bawah.
2. Aduk margarine dengan gula halus, susu bubuk, garam, dan vanili ddengan sendok kayu hingga lembut. Masukkan kuning telur, aduk hingga rata.
3. Masukkan tepung terigu yang telah diayak bersama tepung meizena, dan kenari halus, sambil diaduk dengan sendok kayu hingga rata dan bsa dibentuk.
4. Bentuk adonan seperti tambang / pensil diameter ½ cm, lalu potong – potong sepanjang 45 cm. taruh kue dalam Loyang. Beri jarak 5 cm.
5. Masukkan kedalam oven hingga matang. Angkat dan dinginkan. Celupkan ujung kue ke coklat yang ditim. Pindahkan ke rak kawat. Setelah dingin simpan dalam wadah kedap udara.


• 200 grams of margarine
• 100 garm powdered sugar, sieve
• 25 grams of milk powder
• ¼ tsp finely garain
• ¼ teaspoon vanilla powder
• 1 egg yolk
• 100 grams of shelled walnuts, bake until crispy, mashed
• 250 grams all-purpose flour
• 50 grams of flour maezena

• 150 grams cooking chocolate, cut into rough, team up to melting

How to Make:
1. Grease a cookie pan with butter, grease a baking paper and butter again, set aside. Preheat oven for 10 - 15 minutes besuhu 180 degrees centigrade using a fire underneath.
2. Stir in margarine with powdered sugar, milk powder, salt, and vanilla ddengan wooden spoon until smooth. Enter the egg yolks, mix well.
3. Enter the flour sifted with flour that has been meizena, and fine walnut, while stirring with a wooden spoon until smooth and bsa formed.
4. Shape dough like mine / pencil ½ cm diameter, then cut - cut along the 45 cm. put the cake in the pan. Give distance of 5 cm.
5. Enter into the oven until cooked. Remove and let cool. Dip the tip of a steamed cake into chocolate. Transfer to a wire rack. Once cool store in airtight container.

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